
Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

ForeveRx is a first of its kind, matchmaking service for healthcare professionals designed by healthcare professionals. We empathize with the dating difficulties that lie in the healthcare profession due to long work hours, schedule mismatches, and the rigorous demands placed on healthcare heroes. We also understand the passion you have for the patients you serve and the lifelong pursuit of knowledge. Social isolation and burnout among healthcare professionals is a real issue. We are dedicated to your wellness and ability to make romantic connections, while juggling your daily responsibilities. Our platform aims to eliminate the problems of differing expectations and lack of understanding when it comes to dating or making new social connections with those in the medical field. ForeveRx is a one-stop platform that connects medical residents, attendings, dentists, pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners, and other healthcare professionals across the United States.
ForeveRx uses a proprietary verification process which includes validating driver’s licenses with our users’ selfies, as well as ensuring user provided NPI (National Provider Identification) numbers are legitimate. Our value proposition to our users is that every onboarded user is required to be verified, reducing the risk of false, misleading, and fraudulent user profiles.
You will have access to 10 profiles every day. As a premium member, you will have unlimited access.

The Lounge is a premium, first of its kind, feature available to medical residents and fellows that allows them to connect with other residents and fellows within a set geographic radius. We strive to help our users facilitate meaningful social connections through this functionality. This is also a great a la carte option for our users who may already be in committed romantic relationships.

The Waiting Room is a premium feature available to all ForeveRx paid subscribers which allows them to see who has liked their profiles already, in an easy and convenient screen.
We are rapidly expanding our user base across the United States. If you are open to long-distance dating, you can also benefit from ForeveRx, irrespective of your present location. Stay tuned for more news as our nationwide userbase continues to grow.
A filled syringe on a user’s profile means they have been fully vaccinated. An empty syringe means they have not been vaccinated. If you do not see a syringe on the profile, this user has elected to not divulge this information.

Dear Users,

We want to inform you that our app is temporarily unavailable for download as we implement enhancements and upgrades aimed at improving the overall user experience for both new and existing users.

We appreciate your patience during this time and look forward to bringing you a new and improved app soon. Thank you for your continued support!